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Job walk-in at Indian veterinary Research Institute, Hebbal , Bangalore

Job walk-in at Indian veterinary Research Institute, Hebbal , Bangalore

Walk-in-Interview two posts of senior research fellow to be filled up at this institue on contratcual basis under two extrement funded projects. The appointment of these posts are for the specific period of project and service will automatically stand terminsated at the end of contract period.

Walk-in date: 18th of Feb 2012 10.00 AM (saturday)

Venue: Indian veterinary Research institute, Hebbal, Bangalore-560024

Candidates interested need to come in person with all the originals Academic and experience testimonals.

Senior Research Fellow: 2 post

Essential: Master degree in Veterinary Microbiology/Veterinary Biodtechnology/Animal Biodtechnology/Animal Biochemisrty/Life sciences/ Molecular Biology

Desirable: Working knowdlege of molecular biology techniques (DNA/RNA Isolation , cloning,ELISA bacterial cure etc..
Remuneration: Post graduate in subjects other than veterinary science Rs.16000.00/Month. PG in Veterinary science :18000.00

Age limit: 35 years for men and 40 for women


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